Gay Friendly Countries Around the World


Many countries around the world are considered "gay friendly." These countries have laws that are geared towards ensuring the rights of the LGBTQ community. They are also tolerant of different lifestyles and have a "live and let live" attitude. Some countries are a little more strict than others, but most have a general acceptance of gay and bisexual people.

Canada is often thought of as one of the most LGBTQ-friendly countries in the world. In 2013, 80% of Canadians said that they felt society should accept homosexuality, while 60% of Americans endorsed the same idea. The country's anti-discrimination laws have become more liberal in recent years. New Zealand has taken steps to ensure equality in housing and employment, and has one of the first GAY FRIENDLY travel certificates in the world.

Uruguay has a small population of three million. It is a catholic nation, and while it has some socially conservative views, it is generally very tolerant of different lifestyles. In fact, Uruguay became the second Latin American country to legalize same-sex marriage.

Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark, and it is a vibrant city with a lot to offer the LGBTQ community. With plenty of bars, cafes, and clubs, it is a great place for those looking for a fun night. The city also hosts the annual Pride festival, which is a celebration of the LGBTQ community.

Stockholm is a student-friendly city, and its Pride Parade draws more than 400,000 spectators every year. It is also home to the Solidarity Fund, which is committed to supporting pride events in other countries.

The city of Montreal is home to the largest gay population in North America. It is a fairly conservative country, but the younger generation is becoming more open-minded. There are a number of universities in the area that have a student-led LGBTQ task force, and many of the university's student organizations have a strong gay presence.

Uppsala is another student-friendly city in Sweden. It's also one of the most LGBT-friendly cities in the country. A recent poll by Gallup found that nearly 90% of the residents in the area are comfortable with gay and bisexual neighbors.

Montreal is also a popular destination for LGBT travelers. Several hotels cater to the local community, and several spas also host events for the LGBTQ+.

In addition to a lively culture and a thriving LGBT community, the city is a hub for outdoor enthusiasts. It's home to the Arboretum, which is a haven for mellow travelers. Other attractions include a rose garden, award-winning craft beer, and a variety of organic foods.

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